Thank you for purchasing ArtRage Vitae!
ArtRage Vitae should be downloaded and installed automatically by the Store.
If you’ve purchased through the Windows Store you will find a new ArtRage Vitae launch icon in your Windows Start menu.
If you purchased ArtRage Vitae through the Apple Store you will find a new ArtRage Vitae launch icon in your Launchpad. You may need to scroll a couple of pages to find it.
In future you can re-install ArtRage Vitae directly from the Windows or Apple store where you purchased.
- The Windows Store (if you’re using Microsoft Windows): ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9NJK057NFZCP
- Or the Apple App store (if you’re using Apple MacOS):
You no longer need to keep track of ArtRage serial numbers or installers. The stores will handle that automatically for you.
Enjoy painting!