Teoman Mete Cakici is an art lecturer from Turkey who paints realistic portraits of actors and famous people. He is currently teaching at Mustafa Kemal University, in the Graphic Design Department. He comes from a traditional art background and specialised in hyperrealism.
Teoman has been using ArtRage for a year after finding it online. He created the art in this feature using ArtRage 3 Studio Pro.

What kind of artist are you? What kind of subjects do you draw?
I am a hyper-realistic artist, but sometimes I do graphical illustrations in drawings. I usually choose people who are known as subjects or objects.
Why do you use ArtRage? What features do you like about the program?
Because ArtRage is the best 2D program that offers traditional art materials in a digital environment. My favourite ArtRage feature is the digital adaptation of artistic materials, it is very pleasant for me. I choose the visuals depending their light, shadow, value and texture visually. I try to transform visual reality into an artistic illustration from a realistic perspective and to show it to people. I want people to get an artistic pleasure while looking at my works.
I definitely recommend ArtRage because there is not another program that gives you these effects better.
Website: teomanmete on DeviantART
Social Media: Facebook
Where does ArtRage fit into your workflow?
ArtRage fits into my works in terms of pencil drawing, painting volume, canvas texture, palette knife effects, and color grading.
I usually paint the primary layer after I finish drawing the draft. Then I identify the light shadow surfaces and paint them. Finally, I prefer to paint the textures and details sharpening and softening the edges.
What are your favourite ArtRage features?
Oil Brush, Palette Knife, Sticker Spray, Pencil and Crayon.

Do you come from a digital or traditional art background?
First of all, I got a classical art education in high school, college and graduate education. I specialized in graphic arts in undergraduate education. So, I do both traditional artwork and digital illustrations, designs and drawings. I love making hyper-realistic drawings in digital and traditional style.
Do you use other programs or traditional media?
I’ve been using photoshop for 17 years, illustrator for 13 years and 3D Studio Max for 10 years.
Do you have any tips for other artists who might want to do the same thing as you?
First of all, they should be patient and good analysts. Realistic drawing requires good observation, patience, and knowledge of colour and shading.
It is good to explore the Settings and the Presets for every tool in ArtRage.

Name: Teoman Mete Cakici
Country: Turkey
Job: Art Lecturer
Art Style: Photorealism
Background: Traditional Art
ArtRage Edition: ArtRage 3 Studio Pro
Platforms and Hardware: Windows 7, macOS, Wacom Cintiq 22HD
Used ArtRage for: One year

See more of Teoman’s work and follow him on Facebook and DeviantART