#ArtRageFree Contest: Show us what YOU can do with the free Android app!

We’re running a contest to promote the launch of our free app!
This is Android users only, sorry iOS folks!ArtRage Oil Painter Free is a single layer, oil brush only, version of ArtRage. It’s small, light, and easy to use, and it forces you to really focus on your art as you draw. We’ve seen some really impressive stuff already, and we’d like to challenge our users a bit and see what you can do!

We’ll be handing out Play Store gift cards to our favourite entries throughout the contest, and announcing all the winners officially at the end. How many winners? I guess that depends on how many entries we get and how impressed we are!
Deadline (This contest has ended and winners have been selected)
The contest runs until January 31st. You can submit whenever you like – and submitting earlier means you might catch our eye before there’s too much competition!
You must use Oil Painter Free. We want to see what you can do with one layer, a few oil brushes, and your imagination.
To prove that you used the free app, you must submit your art as a screenshot showing it inside the app (open the painting in the Oil Painter Free app, take a screenshot, and post that screenshot).
How To Submit
You can draw anything you like, within the bounds of not being too violent or non-worksafe. We need to be able to share it on our website, after all.
You can enter multiple times.
To submit your entry, share it it to one of our social media accounts (tag us on Twitter, or post to our Facebook page), or submit it to our DeviantART group and tag it as #artragefree (so we can tell it’s a contest entry!). Or post it to the forum thread. We don’t mind, so share it in whichever way is easiest for you.
If you’re not on social media, or prefer anonymity, you can email it directly to us at [email protected], and we’ll share it for you.
We will be collecting all the entries on Facebook throughout the contest and our website at the end.

Submit A Screenshot To Enter
Post a screenshot of your art in the app as your entry – like the examples on this page! It’s not really fair to use one of the other ArtRage editions for this challenge, so we’ll only accept entries that include the interface of the free app.