Japanese Resources and Tutorials for ArtRage (ArtRageの日本語リソースとチュートリアル)
We apologise for any translation errors on this page. このページの翻訳エラーについてお詫び申し上げます。
All known Japanese manuals, translations, resources, and tutorials are listed here. We appreciate our Japanese users and our interface designer is strongly inspired by Japanese design and culture. Unfortunately, the ArtRage staff do not speak Japanese so we are unable to create many additional helpful resources for Japanese users. We have linked to Japanese language tutorials created by artists and hope that they are helpful.
Official Software and Manuals (公式のソフトウェアとマニュアル)
Japanese Software (日本語ソフトウェア)
The following editions of ArtRage support Japanese language menus and interface:
- ArtRage 5
- ArtRage Lite
- ArtRage 4
- ArtRage 3 Studio Pro
- ArtRage 3 Studio
- ArtRage 2 Japanese Edition
- ArtRage for Android
- ArtRage for iPad
Official Manuals (公式マニュアル)

Japanese language manuals are only available for ArtRage Lite, ArtRage 5 and ArtRage for Android. These are available inside the program. ArtRage will automatically load the manual in the current language. You can change the language at any time.
- Desktop: Go to Help > ArtRage Manual
- Android: Go to the menu > Help
Click to download (クリックしてダウンロードする):
- ArtRage Lite Quick Start Manual Japanese (ArtRage Lite クイックスタートガイド) [PDF]
- ArtRage 5 Quick Start Japanese (ArtRage 5 クイックスタートガイド) [PDF]
Official Manuals and Tutorials Translated (翻訳されたマニュアルとチュートリアル)
The best resource for Japanese ArtRage artists is tiisanaoekaki.net: This user has created translated versions of ArtRage manuals as downloadable PDF files. They also create original tutorials.
- Artrage公式サイトマニュアル(日本語訳)-索引 (Index of Japanese translations of ArtRage Manuals)
- Tumblr: boeboesan.tumblr.com
More Resources (その他のリソース)
These links lead to additional videos, manuals and tutorials in Japanese created by ArtRage users. They are not official resources, but may be helpful.
- メイキングっぽい覚え書き: A guide to sketching and coloring manga using the Pencil and Watercolor tools, in Japanese.
- YouTube: Painting Videos and Tutorials (YouTube:ビデオとチュートリアルのペイント): A playlist of video tutorials from Japanese artists and companies.
- charako.cside21.com Charako House (artist blog with reviews and tutorials)
- IPAD アプリ「ARTRAGE」の表示画面: A short video introducing the canvas and starting screen for ArtRage for iPad.
- iPad の ArtRage で描いた絵を WordPress.com にいい感じに貼る方法 (How to export transparent images to Dropbox and WordPress)
- iPadで水彩画 ArtRageV2ガイドブック [Kindle版] (iPad de Suisaiga ArtRageV2 Watercolors iPad Kindle Book) by Okuma Isao on Amazon