
Getting Started With ArtRage

Get Started With ArtRage: Navigating the Online Manuals Desktop Users Getting Started Install ArtRage, find your serial, and get orientated with the Getting Started page! The ArtRage 5 Quick Start Guide is a good orientation to the new features. It’s also included in your software, under Help > ArtRage Manual. ArtRage Lite also includes a […]

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The Ink Pen Tool Settings

The Ink PenThe Ink Pen in ArtRage is a purely digital, very customisable, inking tool that can be used for line work, writing, and colouring. It is found in every mobile and desktop edition of ArtRage, except for ArtRage 2. The ink pen is not affected by paper texture or canvas lighting.It will not mix […]

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Creating New Sticker Sheets

Adding New Sticker Sheets You can add custom sticker sheets to use as individual stickers or as a sticker spray. To customise the sticker spray and create a new preset, see Sticker Spray Variation. Importing a Sticker Sheet At the top of the Stickers Panel is an Import button. This button allows you to locate […]

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Sticker Spray Variation

Sticker Spray Variation The Sticker Spray has a large number of properties that are used to decide the appearance of the stickers that are sprayed. These are controlled in the Sticker Spray Variation panel. To open this panel click the ‘Spray Variation’ button on the Settings Panel when the Sticker Spray is selected, or select […]

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Sticker Spray Properties: Scale

The effects of different values on the Scale Property ValuePositive ValuesNegative ValuesNotes Base Value Sets default sticker spray size as % of default sticker size Inverts size (-95% = 5%) Used to calculate all other settings if set (otherwise default sticker size will be used) Random Size will vary randomly by set % Varies from […]

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ArtRage 4 Keyboard Commands

View and Set Keyboard Commands in ArtRage 4.5 ArtRage 4.5 has a long list of available commands for which you can set your own shortcuts, or use the defaults that are already set up. To view existing default shortcuts and change keyboard commands in ArtRage 4.5 go to: Edit > Set Keyboard Shortcuts… WindowsMac OSWindows […]

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ArtRage 4 Full Manual

Everything in this section is also available as a PDF on your computer, by opening ArtRage and going to Help > ArtRage Manual. This guide is specifically for ArtRage 4, so it includes additional tools and features (such as Symmetry and Grids). Some of the menus and screenshots will also be different to the other […]

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